How to make a diatonic scale
Pick a letter from A to G, accidental natural, sharp or flat. Follow through with the natural letters of the alphabet.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | A | |||||||
T | S | T | T | S | T | T |
The pattern of tones and semitones from A to A is TSTTSTT. This is not TTSTTTS. It is not a diatonic scale.
We use accidentals to make a diatonic scale.
- The first interval of the diatonic scale is T.
- Start with the first note (A).
- A to B is T.
- B is the second note of the diatonic scale.
- The second interval of the diatonic scale is T.
- Start with the second note (B).
- B to C is S.
- B to C# is T.
- The third note of the diatonic scale is C#.
- The third interval of the diatonic scale is S.
- Start with the third note (C#).
- C# to D is S.
- The fourth note is D.
- The fourth interval of the diatonic scale is T.
- Start with the fourth note (D).
- D to E is T.
- The fifth note is E.
- The fifth interval of the diatonic scale is T.
- Start with the fifth note (E).
- E to F is S.
- E to F# is T.
- The sixth note is F#.
- The sixth interval of the diatonic scale is T.
- Start with the sixth note (F#).
- F# to G is S.
- F# to G# is T.
- The seventh note is G#.
- The seventh interval of the diatonic scale is S.
- Start with the seventh note (G#).
- G# to A is S.
- The eighth note is A, the same as the first.
The diatonic scale of A is:
A | B | C# | D | E | F# | G# | A | |||||||
T | T | S | T | T | T | S |
How to work magic
Can a diatonic scale be written to D# ?
D# Eb | E Fb | F E# | F# Gb | G | G# Ab | A | A# Bb | B Cb | C B# | C# Db | D | D# Eb |
D# | E# | G | G# | A# | B#X | D | D# |
Why not?
What is wrong with D# E# G G# A# B# D D#.
Answer: C is missing and G is repeated.
Every letter must be present in a diatonic scale.
What can we do?
We can introduce double sharps and double flats. Fx is G and Cx is D.
This is also wrong D# E# Fx G# A# B# Cx D#
Double sharps and double flats are banned from diatonic scales.
What can we do?
Rename each note to its enharmonic.
Now we have a diatonic scale.
Eb F G AB Bb C D Eb
Every key on the keyboard can be written to a diatonic scale, but not every note name. When the first name you try doesn’t work, switch to its enharmonic. It’s enharmonic will work.
C# dB | D# Eb | F# GB | G# AB | A# Bb | ||||||||||||
C B# | D | E Fb | F E# | G | A | B CB |
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